Nyaguta DEB Secondary School- KCSE Results, Performance, Fees, Location, Contacts, Intake, Photos, Uniform.

Nyaguta DEB Secondary School is a Public Mixed Day Secondary School located in Kiogoro within Kisii County.

KCSE Results

The school KCSE Results varies per year. To get comprehensive information regarding the school’s KCSE Results for each year, kindly contact the school’s administration using the contacts given below or visit the school for more information.


The school performance varies per year. To get detailed information regarding the school performance contact the school administration or visit the school.


To get information regarding the school fees, kindly contact the school administration as fees may vary with each year.


This school is located in Kiogoro, Kisii


Form one intake into Public secondary schools is done by the ministry of education. However for admission into private secondary schools, contact the school administration or visit the school to know whether there is a vacancy.


The photos for this school to be updated when available


The school uniform to be updated when available

School Summary

Name: Nyaguta DEB Secondary School
Location: Kiogoro, Kisii
Ownership: Public


Postal Address: P.O Box 230-40200 Kisii
Email Address: To be updated when available
Mobile Number: To be updated when available
Website: To be updated when available