Habits that foster wealth and success. what separates successful people from unsuccessful people.

Habits of The Rich Vs The Poor: Habits that foster wealth and success.

Habits of The Rich Vs The Poor. If you want to be successful, study the lives of successful people. We all have been given the gift of a non- renewable resource which is 24hrs in a day. How we use this time is what differentiates the outcome.

According to a research done by T. Harv Eker the Author of ‘Secrets of the millionaure mind’ and Thomas Corley, the Author of ‘Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals’, The rich people have habits that differentiates them from the poor. Lets look at some of these habits.

Habits of The Rich Vs The Poor

Habits of The Rich Vs The Poor: Commitement

Rich people are committed to being rich while the Poor people want to be rich. Being committed and wanting to be rich are two different things. The rich people set out their goals and plan on how to achieve them. The poor fail to plan on how to become rich, therefore it becomes hard to realize their desired riches.

Habits of The Rich Vs The Poor:  Live within their means

Rich people live within their means while the poor live beyond their means. Rich people avoid overspending and ensuring that they save and invest for the future. The rich save 20 percent of their net income and live on the remaining 80 percent.” The poor first spend their money and save what remains.

Read also: The 8 traits the world’s most successful people share

Habits of The Rich Vs The Poor: Continuous Learning

Rich people read every day which ensures that they constantly learn and grow. Poor people on the other hand think learning ended with school.“Poor people have a big TV. Rich people have big library.” – Jim Rohn

Habits of The Rich Vs The Poor: Goal Setting

Rich people set goals while the poor people don’t set goals.

Habits of The Rich Vs The Poor: Mentors

Rich people have mentors to give them direction. The poor try to maneuver their own way.

Habits of The Rich Vs The Poor: Purpose

Rich people know their main purpose and work hard to pursue it while the poor have no specific purpose.

Habits of The Rich Vs The Poor

Habits of The Rich Vs The Poor: Results

Rich people choose to get paid based on results and are paid for profits, on the other hand Poor people choose to get paid based on time and therefore work for wages.

Habits of The Rich Vs The Poor: Smart

Rich people have their money work hard for them while Poor people will work hard for their money.

In summary, the rich think long term and take calculated risks so as to increase their wealth. The poor often think short term and will be afraid to take risks. Moving from poor to rich is a choice that any one can make and will only require you to change your daily habits.

Also Read: 8 Habits That Will Get You Closer To Your Dreams